We can not attempt in this world without parents. The role and the parent's existence is very important and significant in our life.We know everything around us surely come from parents.We know and introduce many persons certainly from parents. Actually, the merits of our parents can not be accounted with everything.
Therefore, " Don't forget with our parent's merit".They always give their loves, advices, affections, and attentions.Involving me,I always thank to Allah who has been giving me parents as like them. I am proud with them.They never tired to give supports, motivations, full of spirit and prays.
I think their supports and spirits as like a soul for me. So, we can not live without them. The existences of parents is very important. As human being, we must understand and aware about that. The successfull of the people depends on the parents.Prays of the parents have significant value in our life.
Therefore, I never stop to pray and thank to Allah who has given me the kind of parents like them.In fact, I'm very proud with my parents, although they have many children, they are able to struggle and give all they have for their children.
Once again, we must thank to Allah and the prophet Muhammad who has given us their light, affections, mighty, and the welfares.
Allah yang Maha Pengasih......
Terima kasih, Engkau telah menciptakan dia,ia, kami...
Allah yang Maha Pemurah....
Terima kasih,Engkau telah menciptakan dia
dan juga mempertemukan saya dengan dia...
Allah yang Maha Penyayang...
Terima kasih untuk kesempatan dan saat - saat indah
yang dapat kami nikmati bersama - sama
Saya datang, tuk bersujud kepadaMu...
Sucikan hati saya ya Allah, sehingga..... dapat melaksanakan
semua kehendak, kuasa, dan rencanaMu dalam hidup, serta
kehidupan saya...
to be continue...................ok?
This my picture........
- Jadikanlah "ghaddul bashar', menundukkan pandangan sebagai "hiasan mata" anda, niscaya akan semakin bening dan jernih.
- Oleskan 'lipstik' kejujuran pada bibir anda, niscaya akan semakin manis.
- Gunakanlah 'pemerah pipi' anda dengan kosmetik yang terbuat dari 'rasa malu' yang dibuat pada 'salon Iman'.
- Pakailah 'sabun istighfar' yang menghilangkan semua dosa dan kesalahan yang anda lakukan.
- Rawatlah rambut anda dengan jilbab Islami yang menghilangkan 'ketombe' pandangan laki - laki yang membahayakan.
- Hiasilah kedua tangan anda dengan 'Gelang Tamadhu' ( rendah hati) dan jari - jari dengan cincin ' ukhuwah '.
Beauty is value, that it is not perception of a matter of fact
or of relation; it is an emotion, an affection of our volitional
and appreciative nature.
Keindahan adalah sebuah nilai, yaitu bahwa keindahan
bukanlah persepsi kenyataan atau hubungan.
Keindahan adalah suatu emosi, suatu kecintaan terhadap
alam penghargaan dan kehendak.