Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Kenangan Wisuda di UM Malang

Soal Bahasa Inggris SMP


A. Choose the right answer below!
1. Deni ____ my best friend but we aren’t friends any longer.
A. used to C. use
B. uses D. using
2. Shopkeeper: Would you follow me?
Buyer : ____
A. All right
B. Yes, would you follow me
C. Yes,
D. No, I’m afraid
3. Mr. John: We would be happy if you attend our wedding ceremony next Monday.
Mr. Brown: We would be glad too, Mr. John.
What will Mr. Brown do next Monday?
A. He will come to Mr. Brown’s birthday party.
B. He will come to Mr. John’s wedding ceremony
C. He will not got to Mr. John wedding ceremony
D. He would come to party
4. Would you like _____ us in the celebration this evening, Ms. Brown?
A. joins C. join
B. joined D. to join
5. Mr. Sim: Would you like to come to my house tonight?
Mr.Jim : _____
A. I like you C. I love you
B. I’d love to D. I hate you
6. Jenny: Would you come to our place tomorrow?
Ally: That would be great
The underlined sentence show ___
A. An order C. A comment
B. A suggestion D. An invitation
7. A: Do you want to go to the football game this evening?
B: Yes, sure that sounds like fun. Thanks for asking.
The italic sentences show ____
A. Refusing
B. Accepting
C. Agreement
D. Disagreement

Question no. 8 - 9
Last week, my four year old daughter, Sally was invited to children’s party. I decided to take her by train. Sally was very excited because she had never traveled on a train before. She sat near the windows and asked question about everything she saw.

8. According to text above how old is Sally?
A. She is five years old
B. She is four years old
C. She is old daughter
D. She is six years old
9. Why did Sally’s mother decide to take her by train?
A. because Sally never travel by train
B. because Sally likes train
C. because Sally often travel by train before
D. because Sally doesn’t like travel
10. There ___ a hotel opposite the station but it closed a long time ago.
A. used to be C. used to
B. use to D. uses

B. Complete the sentences with “used to”!
11. I ____ at ten o’clock, but now I sleep at nine o’clock.
12. When I was a child, I ___ vegetable, but I don’t like it now.
13. Anna never used to drink cold water, but now ___

Soal Bahasa Inggris SMK - Kelas XI

English Examination
Grade: XI

A. Choose the right answer below!
On June 7, the company will hold its first world-wide video-conference. All twenty facilities will be linked by a satellite broadcasting system so that employees can see and speak with each other. Officials of the Zurich head office will begin the conference by telling us about their goals for the next ten years. Next, each facility manager will speak about current challenges. The last hour will be devoted to questions from the floor at all location. Due to time differences, employees in Asia and South America will have to come to their broadcast facilities outside of regular business hours. Additional pay will be provided for them for this inconvenience.

1. What will be the first agenda item at the conference?
A. Plans for a decade
B. Twenty-year goals
C. Present challenges
D. Questions from employees

2. Why will some employees receive extra pay?
A. They must speak at the conference
B. The conference will take place before or after work
C. They must travel to other offices to attend
D. Their department have met certain goals

3. I ____ to lock the door yesterday.
A. forget C. forgot
B. forgotten D. forgets

4. When did the workers arrive?
A. The workers arrives an hour ago.
B. The workers arrived an hour ago.
C. The workers arriving an hour ago.
D. The workers is arriving

5. She is in the third grade now, next year she ____ a university student.
A. will C. is
B. will be D. are

6. What will you do later?
A. I went to library with my friends.
B. I go to library with my friends.
C. I am go to library with my friends.
D. I will go to library with my friends.

7. Who did teach English lesson yesterday?
A. Mr. Rahmat will teach English lesson tomorrow.
B. Mr. Rahmat is teaching English lesson today.
C. Mr. Rahmat taught English lesson yesterday.
D. Mr. Rahmat has taught English lesson.

8. Yesterday, I _____ my mother to the market. The day after tomorrow I will ____ alone.
A. accompany – go C. accompanying – go
B. accopanies – go D. accompanied – go

9. He is a dilligent student. Next time, he ____ a succesfull people.
A. is C. are
B. will D. will be

10. My friend ____ his painting next Monday.
A. showed C. showing
B. will show D. has shown

Menggapai kata "success"

    Secara logika setiap orang mendambakan suatu keberhasilan. Tentunya kita mengharapkan suatu keberhasilan yang hakiki, baik itu secara UKHROWI maupun DUNIAWI. Keberhasilan tergantung setiap individu dalam menggapai, meraihnya. Proses menggapai suatu keberhasilan didasarkan pada faktor internal juga pada faktor.

     Berusaha meraih sukses bisa dilakukan melalui faktor eksternal, yang kasat oleh pandangan mata; belajar, mencoba, bereksperimen, berikhtiar dan lain - lain. Tentunya banyak orang mafhum akan proses ini, dan pastinya banyak orang telah melakukannya.Yang pada akhirnya nanti individu tersebut bisa dikatakan mahir, pintar, cerdas, atau apalah sebutan lainnya, saya yakin banyak sekali kata untuk mengungkapkan kemahiran, keahlian, kepintaran, kecakapan yang disandang oleh individu tersebut.

     Di balik itu semua, menurut pandangan saya, ada sebuah kekuatan yang sangat dan lebih besar dalam mencapai keberhasilan. Keberhasilan tidak hanya dipandang dengan mempunyai harta yang banyak, rumah besar, gelar yang panjang. Akan tetapi kekuatan internal itulah pada hakekatnya yang berperan besar dalam menggapai keberhasilan. Keyakinan, keimanan, andap ashor, birrul walidain, menghargai orang lain, menghormati yang lebih yang lebih tua, menyayangi yang lebih muda merupakan kunci-kunci yang sekarang sudah mulai memudar pada masyarakat kita. Terjadi DEGRADASI moral.Good ATTITUDE, merupakan cerminan sikap yang harus berusaha disandang oleh setiap individu.

     Untuk itu, kita selalu diingatkan dan juga disarankan untuk selalu BERUSAHA dan juga BERDOA. Nah, DOA merupakan suatu kekuatan yang dahsyat untuk meraih sebuah kerhasilan. Sebagai muslim tentunya kita dapat menuangkan dalam berbagai cara, SHOLAT merupakan salah satu cara.Sebagaimana kata orang bijak juga berilmu bahwa SHOLAT merupakan tiang agama. Maka apabila kita melakukan ibadah ini, sama halnya kita menegakkan agama kita.

     Ibadah ini sangat dalam sekali makna juga pelaksanaannya, gerakan-gerakan dalam sholat menunjukkan akan ketauhidan kita akan ALLAH. Sholat juga sebagai kekuatan yang memancarkan kepribadian seorang muslim, dengan kata lain, orang bisa dilihat juga dari sholatnya.Selain itu, ibadah ini merupakan kendali setiap individu untuk menghindari hal-hal yang dilarang baik secara agama maupun umum.

     Assholatu Tanha Anil Fahsyai wal Munkar, sholat menjauhkan hamba dari kejelekan dan kemungkaran.So, di dalam sholat banyak mengandung suatu kekuatan yang tidak bisa digambarkan, oleh karena itu faktor internal tuk meraih kesuksesan merupakan faktor yang sangat urgent n signifikan. Keberhasilan yang hakiki,kebrhasilan yang dicapai melalui sebuah keseimbangan, IKHTIAR dan DOA.Semoga kita termasuk hamba-hamba yang beruntung, tidak merugi. AAMIIN

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


TIME : 40 minutes

A. Choose the correct answer by crossing A, B,
C or D

1. Mila : I have already put the letter here. What next?
Dena : Do you see the “start” button on the machine? If you press it, ___
Mila : Oh, yes thank you.
A. You will see the next instruction
B. You would see the next instruction.
C. You ought to see the next instruction.
D. You would have seen the next instruction.
2. The boy is full of ambitions. He is a ___ boy.
A. Ambition C. Ambious
B. Ambitious D. Ambisius
3. They collect many stamps this year. It is __
A. Collects C. Collection
B. Collect D. Collectors

4. This object has no use at all. It is a ______ object.
A. Useless C. Using
B. Uses D. Use
5. Its funny I think, he is like a child. So, he is _
A. Child C. Children
B. Childish D. childs
6. They want to apply a job in a company after finishing the study. They must make an ________ before.
A. Applys C. Application
B. Applicate D. Applicating

Question 7 – 9 refer to the following instruction.

7. How is children’s dosage determined?
A. By age
B. By weight
C. By consultation
D. By the amount of food consumed

8. In four – hour period, how much is the maximum amount of medication that an adult should take?
A. two tables C. Six doses
B. four doses D. Eight doses

9. “Repeat above dosage .... “
The antonym of the underlined word is __
A. Over C. Down
B. Below D. Bottom
10. Sister : Ina, ____ to borrow your motorcycle?
Ina : Sure, but remember to fill up the tank.
A. Did you ask me
B Will you be able
C. Can you come
D. Is it possible for me
11. Eni _____ so many accidents if she drove more carefully.
A. Would have
B. Won’t have
C. Wouldn’t have
D. Would have had

12. Linda wasn’t at home yesterday. If she _____ at home yesterday, I _____ her.
A. Was – will visit
B. Was – would visit
C. Were – will visit
D. Were – would visit

13. I and my family will visit our grandparents in Central Java _____
A. Today C. Last week
B. On Sunday D. Next month

14. I’d like to make ___ for my journey to Jogya tomorrow.
A. Book
B. A reservation/ a booking
C. To book
D. Books

15. I am sorry I don’t know the answer, but I really wish I ____
A. Knew C. Know B. Will know D. Have known

16. Amin : I’m sorry for being late. My car broke down on my way here.
Mr. Andi : _____
Amin : Thanks for your advice. I’ll do that.
A. You should call a taxi
B. My driver can help you
C. I think I will send you a driver
D. You’d better have it checked regularly

17. Lets go swimming. I wish I _____
We have a test tomorrow and still have to study.
A. Can C. Could B. Will D. Will be

18. He ____ going to send the letter soon.
A. Are C. Am
B. was D. Is

19. If he ___ more aggressive, he ___ a good salesman.
A. Were – would be C. Was – would
B. Were – would D. Was – would be

20. We wish we can come to visit you soon
A. Wish C. We
B. Can D. Come

21. If you want to attach your documentation so you can put in …..
A. Bibliography C. Summary
B. Suggestion D. Appendix

22. Which one of the following statement that include in closing of presentation?
A. Your excellency Mr. Headmaster
B. Please allow me to say that
C. Make a concept of outline
D. I’d like to conclude that

23. If I ____ you, I would send the letter by mail.
A. Am C. Is
B. Was D. Were

24. These the part of unit V in a report, except _
A. Closing C. Basic theory
B. Summary D. Suggestion

25. In making a report if the person who legalize the report made in a certain institutins so it can be involved in ___
A. Legalization page C. Preface
B. Title page D. Conclusion

26. Which one of the following statement that include in operating the ideas in presentation?
A. To end up my speech, I’d like to say once again
B. I’d like to tell you something about
C. My beloved teacher
D. Finally, I would like say once again
Good evening my dear friends, especially our best friend Talia. On this occasion, id like to express my happiness to be in this special party to celebrate our best friend’s birthday, so allow me please, to say congratulation to Talia, “ Happy birthday to you, my dear! We pray for every success in your life.

Which one of the operating ideas statement relate to text above?
A. Good evening my dear friends
B. On this occasion, I’d like to express my happiness
C. To celebrate
D. We pray for every success in your life
28. They ____ the football competition tonight.
A. Will watch C. Watch B. Watched D. Watched
29. If we take some sources of report from journal, magazine, newspapaer, internet, and book so we can present in ____
A. Unit I C. Unit V B. Unit III D. Basic Theory
30. A: Nice Restaurant. Can I help you?
B: Yes, please. _____ for next Saturday evening.
A: I’m afraid we can’t. We’re fully booked this month.
A. I need to reserve a room
B. I want to book a ticket
C. I really need your help.
D. I’d like to reserve two tables.
Question 31 - 32

31. Why did Mr. Busse write the letter?
A. To tell them about the new products of LCD
B. To remind the sales staff about their annual meeting
C. To discuss something very urgent about a conference.
D. To ask Mr. Orr and Ms. Fowler to see him on Friday, April 14
32. What might the sales staff do after reading the letter?
A. Plan how to spend the extended weekend
B. Display the new products of LCD projectors
C. See Mr. Busse before he leaves for the conference
D. Think about strategies and sales forecast for next year
33. In war our life is full of danger. The war is very _______ for our life.
A. Dangers C. Dangerous
B. Dangerious D. Danger
34. I don’t have time, so I won’t drive. If I had time, I _____
A. Would drive C. will drive
B. Would drove D. will be driven
35. In making a report summary and suggestion include in …..
A. unit I C. Basic theory
B. introduction D. Unit V